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What to Do About a Neuroma

As of Tuesday, June 6th, our new Hudson office location is: 86 Healy Boulevard Suite 2, Hudson, NY, 12534
What to Do About a Neuroma

What to Do About a Neuroma

neuroma features a disorganized mass of nerves that develops because of an injury like a cut, stretch, or crush trauma. This extra tissue makes a nerve thicker, which can aggravate conditions within the surrounding tissue. 

Morton’s neuroma is a foot condition that typically develops between your third and fourth toes across the ball of your foot. You might feel as though there’s a fold in your sock or a stone in your shoe, or you may feel sharp and burning pain.

Lifestyle changes may help to ease your symptoms for mild cases. For more severe symptoms, schedule a visit to Hudson Valley Foot Associates. Our podiatrists are neuroma specialists, ready to help you with pain and mobility issues. Here’s what you need to know about your foot-related neuroma. 

Causes and risk factors for neuroma

Morton’s neuroma seems to stem from injury, irritation, or pressure on a nerve leading to the toes. It’s a type of benign (non-cancerous) growth that thickens nerve tissue, leading to nerve dysfunction. 

Foot deformities present from birth may lead to the development of a neuroma. Sometimes, running on the ball of your foot during sports or exercise could cause the necessary irritation to trigger the tissue growth. 

Your footwear choices may also play a role. This is often the case when you choose shoes for their style over comfort, such as with high heels, but any shoe that focuses stress points on your feet could create problems. 

What to do about a neuroma

Mild cases of neuroma may respond to home treatment and lifestyle changes. 

  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can reduce swelling while masking pain from the neuroma
  • Rest from sports or exercise for a few weeks while avoiding any activity that exposes your feet to high impact
  • Ice packs can help reduce inflammation and a frozen, partially filled water bottle makes a great foot roller
  • Change your shoes to comfortable styles with a wide foot box, extra depth, and cushioning inserts
  • Consumer arch supports or metatarsal pads

When these treatments fail to provide relief, our podiatrists typically start with more advanced conservative treatments, including: 

  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medications
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Custom orthotics

When these methods fail, there are surgical options. 

Cryogenic neuroablation

This is a procedure that uses extremely low temperatures to destroy some nerve tissue without completely killing the nerve. It may be enough on its own to relieve symptoms, or it may be combined with another treatment. 

Decompression surgery

Your foot surgeon can relieve pressure on the affected nerve by trimming away surrounding tissue to make more room. Relieving pressure on the neuroma often eases pain and other symptoms. 


As a last resort, the affected nerve can be surgically removed. While it’s usually successful at reducing symptoms, sometimes permanent numbness is a side effect. 

With seven locations in New York, Hudson Valley Foot Associates is conveniently located. Call the nearest office directly or use the online link to request an appointment. There’s an answer for your neuroma pain, so schedule a consultation today.
