Hudson Valley Foot Associates Logo

Walk This Way

As of Tuesday, June 6th, our new Hudson office location is: 86 Healy Boulevard Suite 2, Hudson, NY, 12534

Walk This Way

America is exercise crazy!

We Zumba, yoga, hip-hop, box, triathalon, boot camp, and sweat-to-the oldies. But one of the easiest, most inexpensive and enjoyable exercise forms is walking. It’s a great way to lose weight, stay fit,and enjoy life. But like anything else, proper preparation can help avoid problems and injuries.

Before getting started, don’t make the mistake of thinking that walking’s low-impact style doesn’t require pre-activity stretching. Your muscles must be warmed up before they can perform to their highest level. Allow at least five minutes for stretching.

Begin your walk briskly, standing tall, taking full strides and using your arms. If just getting into a routine, start with short walks of 10-15 minutes and work up to 25-45 minutes after several weeks. After each walk, cool down with five minutes of slow walking and 10 minutes more of stretching.

There are other factors to consider when establishing a walking program, such as the proper footwear. Orthotics can help prevent stress and strain on your feet, ankles and legs and keep your body well-aligned when walking. But, depending on the structure of your feet, a good pair of supportive walking shoes will probably do the trick for most people.

If you have questions or want to know more before starting a walking routine, please feel free to call our office and make an appointment with one of our specialists.

If you want more information on your feet and exercise, please download our free Special Report “Sports Injuries.”
